Non-Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Non-impacted wisdom teeth don’t need extraction unless they cause problems. If these teeth have erupted properly in the mouth and are closed with a tooth opposite, they may not be extracted. But even if there are no complaints about your wisdom tooth, it is important to talk to your dentist.
The dentist will evaluate the tooth according to the clinical examination and the X-rays. If there is no problem in the position of the tooth, if it does not cause infection, caries formations, or bad breath, the dentist may not extract it.
Problems that Non-Impacted Wisdom Teeth can cause
Problems with wisdom teeth appear out of nowhere. Over time, the person may experience a toothache, swelling in the area, and bad breath. We can use ADA-approved pain relievers (eg, KANK-A Mouth Pain Liquid and Benzodent Dental Pain Relieving Cream) and several types of mouthwash (eg, TheraBreath Plus Fresh Breath, Tom’s of Maine Natural Wicked Fresh, CloSYS Ultra Sensitive, etc.) in such cases, but these are temporary solutions.
If wisdom teeth have not erupted yet and are pressing on other teeth, it can cause decay of those teeth and crooked teeth due to compression. To avoid these and similar situations, you should have it extracted.
Adverse effects on the second molar
Recent clinical studies show that even extraction of uneventful fully erupted wisdom teeth is beneficial. Because these teeth increase the risk of caries formation in the second molars adjacent to them. Abscesses formed around the wisdom teeth can also cause bone destruction around the second molar in front.
The second molars are one of the most important teeth in our mouth. Because the first and second molars complete the chewing process. In a study conducted in the USA in 2014, it was determined that the rate of caries development in the second molar teeth increased in people with wisdom teeth in their mouths compared to those without. Because the wisdom teeth behind the second molars make it difficult to clean these teeth.
Chronic inflammation
Since wisdom teeth are the back teeth, it is difficult to brush them correctly. In these cases, chronic gingivitis occurs in the area due to insufficient cleaning. Chronic inflammation around wisdom teeth is one of the biggest problems arising from these teeth. Chronic inflammation not only affects the mouth but also negatively affects other organs of the body.
Physical irritation
Some wisdom teeth, although they are problem-free, grow towards the cheek over time due to the absence of opposite teeth. This can cause unwanted irritation on the cheek. In the past, when implant applications were not common, wisdom teeth were not interfered with, considering the possibility of using them as bridge columns. However, with the increasing success of implant treatments today, there is no need for this.
If the person’s jaw curvature or width is appropriate, if the wisdom teeth have erupted normally, and if the opposite wisdom teeth are present, these teeth do not need extraction. Apart from this, if the person does not have difficulty in cleaning their teeth, it would be better not to have the wisdom tooth removed.
Even fully impacted wisdom teeth do not need to be extracted unless they cause caries, gingivitis, or cyst formation in the surrounding tissues. Otherwise, keeping a useless wisdom tooth in the mouth may cause damage to the other healthy teeth of the person.
American Dental Association: “Wisdom Teeth”
Cleveland Clinic: “Do Your Wisdom Teeth Really Have to Come Out?”
Mayo Clinic: Diseases and Conditions, “Impacted wisdom teeth”
Oral Health Foundation: “Wisdom teeth”